2023-09-05      阅读次数: 4110






Email: chenxueping@jsut.edu.cn








1) 2012/09-2015/12:东南大学数学系,统计学,理学博士;(东南大学优博,导师:林金官)

2) 2006/09-2009/06:华东师范大学金融与统计学院,概率论与数理统计,理学硕士;(丽娃奖学金,前3%,导师:张应山)

3) 2002/09-2006/06:徐州师范大学数学系,数学与应用数学(师范),理学学士



1) 2009/07-今:江苏理工学院数理学院,助教,讲师,副教授;

2) 2016/03-2019/11:南开大学统计研究院,博士后研究人员;(合作导师:刘民千)

3) 2017/07-2017/08Pennsylvania State University, Department of Statistics,访问学者(合作导师:Dennis. K.J. Lin




(1) 2022.01-2022.06,国家自然科学基金,2022年中国均匀设计学术会议,项目批准号12142106,主持;

(2) 2020/07-2023/06,江苏省自然科学基金优秀青年项目,复杂结构试验设计的理论与应用研究 ,项目批准号BK20200108,主持;

(3) 2020/01-2023/12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,成分投影设计:理论及其应用,项目批准号11971204,主持;







(1) 2019/08-2020/12,智慧庭院灯云平台系统研发,江苏质肯新能源科技有限公司,主持.

(2) 2022/01-2023/07***,常州市天宁区市场监督管理局,主持.

(3) 2022/10-2023/10,金坛人口城镇化发展趋势研究,常州市金坛区统计局,主持.

(4) 2022/11-2023/06,科技创新对社会经济发展的贡献研究,镇江高新区科技发展局,主持.



1) X.P ChenY. J GaiX. D WangA-optimal designs for non-parametric symmetrical global sensitivity analysis Metrika 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00184-022-00872-3 (SCI)

2) 陈雪平,严静,庞中淇,王晓迪,基于正交表的中心组合设计及其预测方差,数理统计与管理,2022+. (CSSCI)

3) Wang X.D., Chen X.P* (correspond author), Dennis K. J. Lin, Sliced Symmetrical Latin Hypercube Designs, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2022,218: 59–72 (SCI)

4) X. P Chen*, J.Z.Liu, X.W Ding, H. Z Huang, A New Result on Recovery Sparse Signals using Orthogonal Matching Pursuit,, IET Signal Processing, 2022,16(3): 340-350. (SCI)

5) 严静,陈雪平张敏珏,王晓迪,一类二阶模型下中心复合设计的预测方差,


6) 黄恒振, 莫光妮, 陈雪平. 一般因子数下成分正交设计的构造[J]. 应用概率统计,2022+. (核心)

7) H.Z. Huang, X. P Chen* (correspond author), Compromise Design for Combination Experiment of Two Drugs, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 157 (2021) 107150 (SCI)

8) X. P Chen, J.Z.Liu, J. D Chen,Convergence analysis about Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Under RIP,  Statistical Theory and Related Fields, 2022, 6(3): 220-226.(中国科技期刊卓越行动计划)

9) 周祥,陈雪平*, 基于FDS准则的响应曲面设计预测方差,统计与决策,2022+. (CSSCI)

10) 丁先文,张文,袁红,陈雪平*,含缺失数据的半参数模型的稳健估计,统计与决策,2022,38(1):25-28. (CSSCI)

11) Yan-Yong Zhao, Jianquan Li, Hong-Xia Wang, Honghong Zhao & Xueping ChenEfficient estimation in heteroscedastic single-index models, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, (2021) 33(2):273-298. (SCI)

12) B. Guo, X. P. Chen#, M. Q. Liu,(共同一作) Construction of Latin hypercube designs with nested and sliced structures. Statist. Papers, (2020) 61:727–740. (SCI)

13) X.W. Ding, J.D. Chen, X.P. Chen*, (correspond author) Regularized quantile regression for ultrahigh dimensional data with nonignorable missing responses, Metrika (2020) 83:545–568.  (SCI)

14) X.P. Chen, B. Guo, M.Q. Liu, X.L. Wang, Robustness of orthogonal-array based composite designs to missing dataJournal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2018, (194): 15–24.    (SCI).

15) X.P. Chen, J. G. Lin,, X.Q. Chen, X.D. Wang, Matrix Image Method for Ranking Nonregular Fractional Factorial Designs. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. 2018, 34(1): 742–751.    (SCI).

16) 陈雪平, 林金官, 黄性芳, 汪红霞,区组大小不等的主效应设计[J], 中国科学: 数学, 2017, 47(6): 765-778.

17) X.D. Wang, X.P. Chen, Y.S. Zhang, Partially A-optimal blocked multi-factor designs. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 2018, 47(1): 66–76. (SCI)

18) X.D. Wang, X.P. Chen, Y.S. Zhang, Feasible blocked multi-factor designs of unequal block sizes, Statistics & Probability Letters, 2018. 135: 102-109. (SCI)

19) X. P. Chen, J. G. Lin, H. X. Wang, X. F. Huang. Designs containing partially clear main effect. Statistics and Probability Letters,2017, 121:12-17. (SCI)

20) L. Chun, Y.S. Zhang, X.P. Chen, Orthogonal arrays constructed by generalized Kronecker product, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation,2017, 7(2): 72 8–744. (SCI)

21) X.D. Wang, X.P. Chen, Symmetrical design for symmetrical global sensitivity analysis of model output, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation,2017, 87(14): 2738-2759. (SCI)

22) X. P. Chen, J. G. Lin, Orthogonal Arrays Robust to a Specified Set of Nonnegligible Effects, J Syst Sci Complex, 2016, 29: 531–541.  (SCI)

23) 陈雪平,周友明,马强,林金官.混合水平正交设计的最优选择[J].数理统计与管理,2016,35(03):403-410. (CSSCI)

24) X. P. Chen, J. G. Lin, Further results on orthogonal arrays for the estimation of global sensitivity indices based on alias matrix, Stat Methods Appl, 2015,24:411–426. (SCI)

25) X. P. Chen, J. G. Lin, J.F. Yang, H. X. Wang, Construction of main-effect plans orthogonal through the block factor, Statistics and Probability Letters, 2015, 106:58-64. (SCI)

26) X. P. Chen, J. G. Lin, X.F. Huang, Construction of main effects plans orthogonal through the block factor based on level permutation, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 2015,44(4):538-545.(SCI)

27) J. G. Lin, X. P. Chen, J.F. Yang, X.F, Huang, Y. S. Zhang, Generalized variable resolution designs, Metrika, 2015, 78(7): 873-884. (SCI)

28) 陈雪平,陈绚青,盛永健,林金官.非正规正交设计的分辨度及其应用[J].东南大学学报(自然科学版),2015,45(02):413-416.(EI)

29) 董存田,陈雪平,吴济慧.青年的城镇化趋势分析——基于1000名初中生的调查[J].中国青年研究,2014(11):58-61. (CSSCI)

30) Chen X.P., Wang X.D., Lin J.G., Optimal Properties of Orthogonal Arrays based on ANOVA High-dimensional Model Representation, Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 2013,29(6):570-580. CSCD

31) Wang X.D., Tang Y.C., Chen X.P., Zhang Y.S, Design of experiment in global sensitivity analysis based on ANOVA high-dimensional model representation, Communications in statistics-Simulation and Computation, 2010,39: 1183-1195. (SCIEI)

32) X. W. Ding, X. P Chen*, Model averaging for quantile regressions with missing covariate data, Under Review,2020.02

33) X. W. Ding, X. P Chen*, Y.L. Lai, Estimation and variable selection for quantile varying coefficient models with responses missing at random, Under Review.2020.05

34) X. P Chen, B. Guo, M.Q.Liu, Component projection designs. Manuscript



1) 马强,陈雪平,曹毅,概率论与数理统计[M], 上海:上海交通大学出版社,2020(高等学校重点教材,精品工程项目教材)

2) 马强,曹毅,陈雪平,线性代数[M], 上海:上海交通大学出版社,2020



1) 2017/04,入选江苏省高校“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师(考核优秀)

2) 2018/06,江苏省统计科学研究优秀成果三等奖(1/3),江苏省统计局,国家统计局江苏调查总队,江苏省统计学会

3) 2020/11,江苏省应用统计学会优秀论文三等奖

4) 2021/06,江苏理工学院“优秀共产党员”

5) 2022/01,入选第六期江苏省333高层次培养人才

6) 2022/07,江苏省普通高等学校本科优秀毕业论文指导教师

7) 2022/08,入选江苏理工学院教学名师(培养人选)



1) 美国《数学评论》评论员

2) 江苏省概率统计学会常务理事、副秘书长

3) 中国现场统计研究会试验设计分会常务理事

4) 中国现场统计研究会大数据统计分会理事

5) 中国现场统计研究会环境与资源统计分会理事

6) 中国数学会均匀设计分会学会委员

7) 国家自然科学基金评议专家

8) IEEE Transactions on Information Theory》、《Metrika》、《Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation》、《Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation》、Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods》、《Journal of Statistical Theory and Application》、《Statistics & Probability Letters》、《Statistical Analysis and Data Mining》、《Statistical Theory and Related Fields》、《Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences》、《中国科学》、《系统科学与数学》等期刊审稿人,The Fifth International Conference on Physics, Mathematics and StatisticsTechnical Program Committee











