关于举办“Convolution and some applications ”学术讲座的通知
2021-06-28      阅读次数: 2337

报告时间:2021. 07. 051400-1700

地点腾讯会议436 943 002



The term of convolution is prevalent in mathematics, physics, engineering, etc. In this talk we are mainly concerned with its important role in pure mathematics, not aim to emphasize its vast applications. We shall present some selections of the most commonly used (trick of “convoluting”) in the field of analysis (especially in Fourier analysis), number theory, probability theory, additive combinatorics etc. While our topic is far from sufficient to explain this powerful tool, we shall only illustrate them via several simple examples (maybe well-known) in the above-mentioned fields. Note that we shall present this talk at a leisurely pace, which serve as an introduction (of course by no means cover all material) on these topics at a very elementary level.
